Tuesday 11 May 2010

Telescopic Wheelchair Ramps for Disabled Access by Jenny Pilley

Providing access to parts of a home or building is crucial in ensuring the quality of life of wheelchair users is not diminished. There are a whole host of access solutions available, but not all are ideal for every situation. However, telescopic wheelchair ramps offer a level of versatility that makes them suitable for a whole range of uses. They provide unrivalled levels of accessibility for users, whilst ensuring compact storage within the home or vehicle. They are also lightweight and easily transportable, ensuring ease of use and manoeuvrability for individuals.

These telescopic wheelchair ramps can be used at any lengths, with some being able to be adjusted up to 3m long. They can therefore offer exceptional safety of access even in areas of long distances or significant height differences. The perforated non-slip surface provides plenty of grip in the full range of weather conditions that might be experienced.

Telescopic ramps should conform to Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) legislation. These regulations promote the civil rights of disabled people - a cause that should be championed by any wheelchair ramp provider you discuss your requirements with. This will be reflected in the quality and affordability of the ramps that they supply.

The Perfolight range of telescopic and combi wheelchair ramps are designed and crafted from anodised aluminium with safety and functionality in mind. This surface prevents stains and corrosion, ensuring a long-lasting access solution for the user. The use of anodised aluminium results in a lightweight yet strong access ramp, offering extreme compactness for handling and storage. They are simple to use and easily set up in seconds, ensuring the minimum of disruption to the user's movements.

These types of ramp are considered an excellent choice for providing a bridge over a threshold that has unequal levels on each side. Their low kerbs and long bevel sides greatly increase the clearance area of scooters and power chairs as well. For anyone who is seeking a lightweight and easily portable access ramp that can be extended in length over a substantial distance then telescopic wheelchair ramps could be just the solution for you.

About the Author

Written by jenny Pilley, Content Writer for Creare,Web Design

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